Last Updated on September 20, 2023
Contact Number
You can get in contact with the Adrian Flux head office which is located in Norfolk by calling the contact number above. Once you call the number, you will be directed to a switchboard where you will be asked to select an option to be sent to the correct team, you can find the switchboard options below.
- Claims team
- Renewals team
- To make changes to your policy or for the customer service team
- Cancellation of your policy
- You do not have a policy or you would like to add another vehicle to your policy
Adrian Flux Insurance Services
East Winch Hall
East Winch
King’s Lynn
PE32 1HN
You can access the head office via the A47 which you can access from the A149, A10 and A1065. There is a two bus stops on Lynn road which is on the Excel bus route. The nearest train stations are King’s Lynn which runs the Great Northern and greateranglia trains which is a 17 minute drive from the head office and Watlington station which runs the same train services but is only 15 minutes drive away.