British Gas Head Office (Windsor)

Last Updated on September 25, 2023

Contact Number

Call the number above to get in touch with the British Gas head office where they can answer questions regarding your account, or maybe switching to them.

When you call this number you will be asked to say the reason for your call, such things like to give a meter reading or set up a direct debit are options you could possibly give.

You will then be asked to type in your customer reference number which starts with 85, you can find this number in the top right-hand corner of your bill or statement.

If you don’t have your customer reference number to hand you can type in the phone number on the account, or just press the hash key if you’re calling from that account.

After that, the automated message will ask whether you have pay as you go meters in your home.


Maidenhead Road


The nearest train station to the head office address is Windsor and Eton Central, which is around a ten-minute drive from the location.

The address can also be located from the A308, which can lead you directly to the M4.

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