Clarks Head Office (Somerset)

Last Updated on January 20, 2020

Contact Number

Get in touch with the Costco head office on the number above to speak to them regarding shopping online or in store, deliveries, refunds, complaints and more.

When you phone the number you will be told to choose from the following options:

  • Press one to place a new order
  • Press two to track existing order
  • Press three for anything in regards to children home delivery as well as their measuring service
  • Press four for gift cards and e-gifts
  • Press five for other enquiries


Customer Care. Box 50,
40 High Street,
BA16 0EQ,
United Kingdom


Find Clarks’ head office in Somerset, the nearest train station is Bridgwater, which is a 27-minute drive away.

To drive there you can take the Westway, which comes from the A39 or the A361.