National Trust Head Office (Swindon)

Last Updated on January 21, 2020

Contact Number

Calling the above phone number will connect you to the National Trust switchboard. Here, the pre-recorded greeting service will offer you a few different options. You can select a number from the list to speak to someone in the relevant team. Choose one of the following to talk to the National Trust:

  1. Press 1 to join the National Trust.
  2. Press 2 to cancel your National Trust membership.
  3. Press 3 to talk to the National Trust about a holiday.
  4. Press for any other enquiries.

You can select option 4 if you want to discuss the details of an existing membership, or a particular National Trust site. Choose this option to ask for the press office, recruitment, or volunteering team.


The National Trust
Kemble Drive

National Trust Head Office


Heelis, the headquarters of the National Trust, is located in Swindon city centre. There should be a free car park onsite. Otherwise, there are plenty of parking facilities in the immediate area, though these require paying for parking tickets. Lots of major roads lead around and into the city centre of Swindon, including the A3102, B4006, and B4289. Following the B4289 round to Kemble Drive and turning onto Fire Fly Avenue will bring you to the National Trust head office. Swindon Station is a 15-minute walk from Heelis if you travel on a CrossCountry or GWR train. Otherwise, the nearest public transport stops are at The Dolphin for the 5 or 153, or Great Western Outlet Village for a dozen bus services. These are only 3-4 minutes away if you walk.