Screwfix Head Office (Yeovil)

Last Updated on January 21, 2020

Contact Number

You can phone the Screwfix head office contact number with the number above where they can answer any questions you have.

When you phone the number you will be directed to simply stay on the line to speak to the next available advisor, and shouldn’t have to wait long to do so.

When you’re connected to the person you can make queries about orders, technical products, the trade counter and more.


Screwfix Direct Ltd
Trade House
Mead Avenue
Houndstone Business Park
BA22 8RT


The Screwfix Head Office is located on the Houndstone Business Park, which means it’s quite accessible through driving there, but public transport is limited. The closest train station is Yeovil, which is still around a 20-minute drive away.

The head office address can be located from the A3088 which connects to both the A37 and A303.