Contact Number
01909 505505
When you call the Wilko head office contact number you will be connected straight through to a real person as soon as they’re avaialble to speak to you.
JK House
Roebuck Way
Manton Wood
S80 3EG
The Wilko head office is located in Worksop, with the nearest major city being Sheffield.
The closest train station to the head office is Worksop, however, it is a fair distance away and you will need another mode of transport to get you to the head office location.
There is a bus stop right outside of the head office location, where the routes 25X, 42 and 43 all stop.
The Manton Wood Enterprise Park, where the Wilko head office is found, runs along the A57, which gives great transportation access. From here you can go left to the A1 or turn right to the A619 which leads onto the M57.